Details of Dust guard - universal

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Dust guard - universal

Product Number: 0000 866
Manufacturer: -
10 bordás; perem átmérő: kb 60mm; tengely átmérő: kb 18mm
[?] Last checked: 1 year before
Price of unfrequently demanded products are informative and a subject to change - positively or negatively!
Prices are of informative nature!
Net discounted price: 1 pc.
2.69 EUR 1.34 EUR
Gross discounted price: 1 pc.
3.41 EUR 1.71 EUR
Inner diameter
= 18 mm
Inner diameter
= 60 mm

Can be used for the folowing parts:

  • Spring-loaded-unit W50
  • Air brake cylinder for trailer AL-7 (can be tied with a clamp)