
Our Address

H-2461 Tárnok, Távíró str. 042/80/A

With GPS

47.374858, 18.87918

If your GPS don't know our address or it is not possible to input coordinates, you could try one of the following near addresses:
H-2030 Érd, Vadlút str 55.
H-2030 Érd, Vadlút str 66.


Only Hungarian: +36 30 950 8262
English and German: +36 30 852 0327


Only Hungarian: info@ifal60alkatresz.hu
English and German: sales@ifal60alkatresz.hu

Opening Hours

Mo-Th: 8-12 / 13-17
Fr: 8-12 / 13-16
Lunchtime 12-13
Saturday:, Sunday: Closed