Process of ordering

  1. The first step to order from us is to gather the parts that You need. While we are doing our best to translate our products, there may be untranslated ones, so it is advised to use our search function to find products by product number / for example: 1000 011 / to avoid confusions. We are using the same numbering system for our parts as the original catalog.
  2. After all the part numbers are gathered, send us an email to sales@ifal60alkatresz.hu with the following information:
      The list of products (product number and product names are preferred)
      Your full shipping and billing address
      A cell phone number, so the shipping carrier can contact You for delivery assistance
      An EU VAT Number, if You have any.
    In case if You are unsure about ordering and just want to receive a calculation with approximated shipping costs, sending us the list of parts, the shipping country and city may suffice.
  3. We'll try to prepare your order as soon as possible. If you ordered by email, you'll get notifications about each state of your order. We answer to every our emails, within 1 business day. If for some reason you didn't get a reply or notification from us within 2 business days, please send us your order once more, we might not got it. Our sent notifications will include a link to our order summary page, where you can manage your order. Check the prices, select shipping method, and accept or delete your order. You can also cummunicate with us on that page regarding your order.
  4. After the you've accepted the offer, we'll prepare and send you the proforma invoice. Please note, that there is limited ways to change your order after this point.You'll get another notification about this. Once on the order overview page, you can download your invoice. Currently payment is only possible via bank transfer. Once you've payed, you have the opportunity to upload the payment slip, or mark your order as payed. With the payment slip received, we'll start preparing your order as soon as time permits, we won't wait for payment arrival.

Additional information

  1. We are selling parts in different condition. Each state has a different price which may lead to confusions. These product states can be distinguished by looking at their product number:
    Product number ends with Meaning Exchange part...
    b Used part. Checked working but no renovation made. required
    bcsn not required
    f Reconditioned part. Checked working, renovation made. required
    fcsn not required
    two digits Newly manufactured product. not required
  2. Exchange parts are required so the parts will be always available. In return that You provide us the exchange parts we can offer You a lower price reconditioned or used part. However You have to cover the costs of sending us the exchange parts. Since You are probably ordering from a foreign country, these costs might quite high. That is the reason we offer parts without exchange part (if possible) which are more expensive but may be still cheaper than sending us the broken one.
  3. As of 2021-12-16 our international shipping partner is exclusively UPS. Offering from standard (2-4 days) to express (1-2 days) delivery methods for reasonable price.